Each year, Permaganic has opportunities for adult interns.
We are open to a number of options when it comes to work-trade:
- Full-time in exchange for room-and-board
- Work-trade involving paying a share of rent plus work hours
- Part-time volunteer opportunities to fulfill educational requirements
- Work-study employment or internship
If you are interested in working with us, please email us at permaganic@gmail.com. We look forward to hearing from you!
Adult Work-Trade
Main Street Kitchen
Main Street Kitchen
The Main Street Kitchen is located at 1636 Main Street, right next to the garden. It is a beautiful storefront space complete with a stovetop, sinks, counters, bathroom, and pantry. Adjacent to the Main Street kitchen is our storefront. We are working on transforming this space into a community workshop. The studio will support our kitchen and garden as a library, plant and food coop, food pantry and meeting spot for groups like FoodnotBombs and PermaBuds, a hang-out spot for kids in the neighborhood, and more!
Beginning again in February, we serve a free community meal at the kitchen every Thursday from around 5:30-7:00pm. Thursday meals are a great time to drop off food donations.
Ask us about getting involved at our storefront!