Each year, Permaganic has opportunities for adult interns.
We are open to a number of options when it comes to work-trade:
- Full-time in exchange for room-and-board
- Work-trade involving paying a share of rent plus work hours
- Part-time volunteer opportunities to fulfill educational requirements
- Work-study employment or internship
If you are interested in working with us, please email us at permaganic@gmail.com. We look forward to hearing from you!
Adult Work-Trade
Youth Earn-and-Learn Program
EcoGarden Youth Interns have access to our in-house curriculum combining Arts, Science, Business, and Service Learning. Interns are given opportunities several times per month to participate, and are encouraged to see themselves as a crucial link in the survival of our beautiful, diverse planet. Teens are given ample opportunity to develop their unique potentials through the curriculum.
Permaganic works with neighborhood youth between the ages of 12 to 16. As Youth Interns at Permaganic, they are expected to participate in all aspects of garden maintenance, sales and planning. They receive monetary incentives for their efforts put in, as they work toward job readiness behaviors such as: punctuality, self-motivation, focus and accountability. Ultimately, Permaganic strives to create an accepting and safe space in which these young people can acquire new job skills, gain exposure to the arts and develop a deeper understanding of food systems and environmental sustainability.