Each year, Permaganic has opportunities for adult interns.
We are open to a number of options when it comes to work-trade:
- Full-time in exchange for room-and-board
- Work-trade involving paying a share of rent plus work hours
- Part-time volunteer opportunities to fulfill educational requirements
- Work-study employment or internship
If you are interested in working with us, please email us at permaganic@gmail.com. We look forward to hearing from you!
Adult Work-Trade
Permaganic Authenticated:
A Permaculture-Based
Certification for Growers
Our certification program for growers will reward farmers who strive for a high level of community outreach. In today's world, we believe that all people need the basic survival skills of knowing how to grow their own food. We want to recognize those who try to close this gap in the communal knowledge base.